The Taiji Journey -- An Interview with Marin Spivack -- Senior Western Disciple of Chen Wu
December 12, 2014
Marin Spivack is my guest in the second episode of the new Internal Fighting Arts podcast. His story reflects the persistence and dedication required for high-level achievement in the internal martial arts.
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Marin is the senior western disciple of Chen Yu and studies the Chen Family Taijiquan handed down through the Chen Fake lineage. He lives and teaches in the Boston area. Check out Marin's website at If you live near Boston, you should be studying with him.
This week, in Part 1 of a 2-part interview, Marin talks about his teachers, including Gene Chen, Feng Zhiqiang, and he explains how he became a disciple of Chen Yu. Part 2 will be online next Friday, December 19, 2014.
Along the way, you will gain new insights into the study of the internal arts and you will hear about the cultural aspects of training with top old-school masters.
Listen to the podcast and subscribe to keep up-to-date on what I hope will be a real-world discussion each week of Taiji, Xingyi, Bagua, Qigong, and the philosophy of these arts. Also, if you have a good English-speaking instructor of one of these arts, send me their contact information. But please understand one important requirement for appearing on this show. This is a Woo-Woo Free Zone, where we save the mystical mumbo-jumbo to others and focus on what's real.
So tune in, turn on, and be inspired!