Learn the Basic Skills for Quality Cheng Style Baguazhang
2 1/2 hours of in-depth instruction on one disc.
PLUS - Buy any 2 of Sifu Gullette's DVDs and receive any single DVD FREE (double and triple-DVD sets count as one purchase and are not eligible for your free selection).
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Bagua fighters are known for disappearing in front of their opponents! Bagua is also known for circle-walking, fast changes, palm strikes, throws/takedowns and joint locks (chinna).That type of high-level skill requires a firm foundation in the basics.
This DVD provides instruction in the basic skills that will give you the foundation to learn this art.
Many people want to learn advanced techniques too soon. In China, students start with the basics and learn them well. The instruction on this DVD includes all the basic techniques required for first-level bagua students who learn from Sifu Gullette.
Baguazhang Basic Skills offers instruction--with an emphasis on body mechanics--in the following:
***10 Stepping Techniques including Circle-walking, circle-walking patterns, and other techniques to train your leg strength and ability to change directions quickly and smoothly -- a vital part of Bagua.
***8 mother palms and their fighting applications.
***8 Tea-Serving exercises and their fighting applications.
***8 Stationary pole exercises that will toughen the arms and legs.
***8 Moving pole exercises and their fighting applications.
***The Cheng-style 8 Basic Palms form -- specific instruction in each movement, with an emphasis on body mechanics.
***Fighting applications for each of the movements in the 8 Basic Palms form.
This is RARE instruction that teaches the internal body mechanics you need to accomplish the internal movement, especially the silk-reeling that's so important to bagua. Sifu Gullette's aim in putting this together was to provide information that can help students of any bagua style. Students are urged to first study the material on his Internal Strength and Silk-Reeling DVDs before tackling this material.
The DVD is only $19.99 and that includes Free Shipping anywhere in the world!
Bonus #1 -- buy one more DVD and get a third single DVD (of your choice) FREE! Just complete your order and email [email protected] with your free selection - we'll include it in your package!
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